Monday, April 11, 2011

Double Date

So my apartment was having a bad day about not being asked on dates. Instead of moping around I decided to try to make them happy! So I came up with the idea of having a roommate double date, where we girls ask the guys. By the end of the planning we had two roommates drop the date because they had other things going on. The date still went on and we had a ton of fun. When we went and picked up the guys we all picked up someone that wasn't our date and we blind folded them so they wouldn't know where we were going. I think that having someone pick them up that wasn't their date really confused them. After driving around time for a while we went to our apartment and unblind folded them. It was really fun. We then all wore aprons and made homemade little pizzas. That was a ton of fun. While we waited for the pizzas to cook we played the M&M game. Where it is a race trying to get the most M&Ms into the cup using a straw to suck them up and having a hand behind your back. We also played the Oreo game. Then we ate dinner and then we made homemade ice cream where you make it in a zip lock bag and toss it back and forth. But it really turned into a throwing game where we were basically chucking the ice cream at each other. This was really fun and the ice cream was pretty good too. We finished off the night playing the skittle game with dice. Our cheeks were sore from holding all the skittles in. Over all it was a fun night! Something we will have to do again!

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