Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final Countdown

It is amazing how fast time flies! I cannot believe I am in the final semester of the nursing program. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was the scared little freshman here on campus, and no my time is getting close to being over. I am excited to be done and be graduated but at the same time I am nowhere ready to be done. But instead on focusing on that I will focus on the here and now. I have pretty nice classes this semester. I am taking guitar and it is fun to learn new things, even though it is definitely harder than I ever imagined and my fingers hurt a lot from the strings. I hope that I can get pretty good and that I will be able to do well in the class. My nursing classes are the same as ever, full of work and really hard. I love my religion class so much. It is so amazing! It is the doctrine of the Gospel class. I thought it was for new converts, but I was wrong almost everyone in my class are RMs and are married. We take the doctrines and really study them. I am learning so much even after 2 classes. I love my teacher too so that is a bonus. Then I just have my micro lab which my teacher is pretty funny. My last class is my nursing project class. My project is how exercising and eating healthy effect your school work. It has been fun to do and hard also. But going to the gym clears my mind. And I can already see the effects of going to the gym.

    We have some cool guys that have moved into apartment 44, which is who we normally hang out with. They are super nice and we have had a lot of fun in the past week of school. Last Monday we went out to the shotgun well. It is a cool well that sounds like a ricochet when you drop a rock down it. Then this past weekend we played Frisbee and catch, we are planning on getting a bat so we can have a real game. Then yesterday after ward he we went and played basketball. And we have a little devotional group. I am glad that I have been able to meet new people to help keep me insane. But don't worry mom and dad I will balance my time with them and my time studying.

    On a sadder note it seems as though I have lost my gym partners. Le only goes with her boyfriend Aaron now and I got kicked out of going with them, and Cassie either goes without me or is with Amanda. So I guess I have to get over my fear of going alone. Oh well it will make me stronger.

Well that is about all I can think of now. There is the update on my life. I know this semester will be a ton of fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you going to the gym on your own., it will make you stronger...you can do it!!
