Thursday, October 13, 2011

Choice #3 (sections 96-100, 134):

What are the attributes of good government? Research and use all of the scriptures to answer this question. For each attribute you reference and explain them in your own words.


The Lord cares about his people; he did not put us on the earth and tell us to figure it out alone. He sent us here with scriptures and prophets to help show us the way. He has also shared some ways that we can have a good successful government. Some of the attributes I found in the scriptures are:


3 Nephi 7:2 here we learn that because the people were not untied as one the government was destroyed. A government strives on the unity of the people that live under it. Fining the balance of control and freedom and keeping people happy is a very important attribute. Without the unity of people the strongest government can be destroyed.


Doctrine and Covenants 134:7 state that the government should protect all the citizens to have freedom of religion. I really believe that this is a very important aspect that every government needs. If people are able to believe in their own respected religions then they tend to be happier with the government for protecting that right. Also when people have something to believe in they tend to have better morals and commit fewer crimes.


Doctrine and Covenants 134: 2
talks about having a justice system. Having laws and boundaries and consequences help keep people in the right. It also keeps everyone safe. If we can follow the laws we are following the commandments of God. Boundaries also help everyone behave.


I liked these scriptures because they outline a few main attributes a government needs to be a strong and effective government. It is interesting to try to compare these to the government we have in place today.

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