Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Choice #3 (sections 107):

The priesthood is a power that governs the Lord's church (the Relief Society is also organized under that power), and priesthood callings call one to perform specific responsibilities of service. How can having the priesthood operating on the earth today magnify your ability and works of service towards others?

I think that priesthood has a lot of effect on the service we do. Priesthood brother do service every time they bless the sacrament or give a blessing to someone in need. Having the Priesthood allows us to have the things we have and be able to do the ordinances that without the priesthood we would not be able to do.

All of the temple work occurs because of the priesthood keys that are on the earth today. We are not only able to spread the gospel to the people on the earth today but also to those who have passed without having the opportunity to learn.

When I am called to a calling I consider it a service when I get set apart. I receive promises and blessing. These I would get know about and would not know that I have the strength enough to do my calling without priesthood. I know every year before we start school we are given fathers blessings. These mean a lot to me because I know that my dad is a worthy priesthood holder and because I am able to receive comfort and blessing through the priesthood.

Having the priesthood on the earth can help strengthen people's testimonies and can also bring them the gospel. We are given the Holy Ghost through a priesthood blessing this is a huge service to everyone it helps us to stay on the right path.

1 comment:

  1. I love having the priesthood in my home and am so thankful that Josh is worthy to hold it. I love recieving blessigs and being set apart it makes a huge difference.
    Thanks for sharing.
