Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Choice #2 (sections 112-114, 118):
Step 1: Read D&C 112:21-34, D&C 114:1-2, D&C 118:1

Step 2: Read the commentary for D&C Section 112 through verse 12.

1. Why do we need to continually work on being worthy to fulfill church callings and to help build Zion?
We need to be continually be working on being worthy for many reasons. One of the main reasons is for our own benefit the more we learn here on earth the more knowledge we are able to take to Heaven with us. We are never sitting still on our spiritual line of progression and digression. If we think that we are spiritually okay and we stop reading the scriptures and striving to do better than we will digression. We are constantly digressing and progressing. If we work hard to be more worthy then we are constantly progressing and becoming closer to our Heavenly Father. When we are more like our Heavenly Father we are able to help others and build Zion.

2. What happens to even the very elect if we withhold our time, talents, and resources?
We become prideful and think that we are better than others. We think time is ours and we don’t make time to help others. When really we are given time to help others become better. If we stop sharing our talents we may even loose them. Even the greatest people may fall, watching to make sure that we are willing to share what we learn and our talents are important. Just like working on being worthy can help us build Zion so can sharing our talents. An investigator is more likely to listen and want to become a member when the person teaching them is opening to sharing their talents and testimonies. I have noticed that when I share my talents is when my testimony grows the most. I feel myself become stronger and more Christ like.

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